Murfreesboro Bobcat Services
Our Compact Track Loader (Bobcat or skid steer as some refer to it regardless of brand) is a very efficient and versatile machine. With the machine being on tracks, it allows for minimal ground disturbance as possible, while still allowing for effective and efficient brush/tree clearing and general construction projects. Utilizing mulching allows the material to be recycled while replenishing nutrients back into the ground. Mulching is a more cost effective way to clear brush and trees. A lot of counties will enforce a burn ban and not allow the land owner to burn on their property; in effect causing the brush to be hauled off which can be very costly. With a variety of attachments, we can dig post holes, move debris, chip out rock/stone from ground, level land, fix drainage issues, and much much more. Allow us to utilize our machines to find you the best solution for your project needs. (Disclaimer: Most mulching companies will not disclose this information. If it is larger size trees, over the years the roots will rot and potentially leave a void in the ground. If your land will be utilized for animals, we recommend letting us clear with an excavator or bull dozer to get the root system up. We can then mulch the roots on top of the ground, tub/horizontal grind them, burn it off if possible, or haul it off.)